I had the extreme pleasure last month to attend the Little Warriors charity auction at Calgary Bentley. I felt completely changed after listening to the guest speakers that bravely shared their personal stories about being sexually abused as children and the long reaching effects that these terrible events had in their lives. Glori Meldrum, founder of Little Warriors, is one of the most engaging personalities that I have ever met. I admire her tremendously for having the courage to talk about her own experiences in order to bring greater awareness to the public about child sexual abuse. I was particularly impacted when she warned against the attitude of blaming our government for not providing more resources to both prevent child sexual abuse, and to care for victims in the aftermath. She reminded us all that the responsibility lies squarely on our shoulders to pressure our elected representatives to do more than what is being done now. I urge all of you reading this to go to the Little Warriors website (http://littlewarriors.ca/) and find out how you can educate yourself on how to prevent child sexual abuse and how to reach out to those who have been abused. Thank you Glori for making a difference in the lives of those affected by sexual abuse!

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